Breeder's Background Screening Request
Please fill out details for each of your individual 'potential owner applicants' (POA) that the screening is to be run on.
An upfront administrative/processing fee of $375.00 which also covers BGS costs will be charged per POA; and a fee of $475.00 will be charged for applications that have a Co-owner applicant listed (which gives them a a pretty good discount).
*The background screening cannot not be processed and will not proceed until the registered breeder has submitted their applicant's fee for this service either in the NISA store or via PayPal.*
After the administrative/processing fee has been paid and the following form has been completed and submitted, the potential owner applicant will receive an email from NISA (sent by Choice Screening) requesting permission to run the background screening/ check. If the POA agrees, they will need to follow the email instructions, complete the required BGS information from Choice screening and submit back to them and the background screening will then proceed.
If you have any questions or concerns please call 719-661-0571